Annual Report Information
Step Two:
Fill out the Grant Report using the link below. Read all instructions at the top of the form and within the form fields. If you do not have all the information right away, you can save the form for up to 30 days.
Step Three:
Using the appropriate Google Photos link (i.e., 2022, 2023, etc.), submit up to 10 photos showing off the work we supported. At the end of the year, we compile all photos into a printed book for our office reception area.
Step Four:
After successfully submitting the Grant Report and photos, Organizations can submit a subsequent Letter of Inquiry or a Program Application.
Step One:
Within one year of receiving the award letter, gather your information, including your original grant application, a copy of the award letter, the grant agreement, and photos specific to the project or program we supported.
Please click on the box below that corresponds to the date of the check and grant award letter. If your grant was awarded on December 12, 2024, you would submit photos by clicking the “Grants Awarded in 2024” box.
We love to see the work we are supporting!!!
Please use the links below or in the grant report form to submit any photos of our supported grant.
We love to see the work that you are doing and the programs and projects that we have supported.
Please use the appropriate link below to submit any photos relevant to the grant funds you are reporting on.
Please ONLY submit photos relating to our grant - the photos should be of programs, projects, and/or visual reporting on what we funded.
Once you click on the link, you will see an "add photos" button at the top right of the screen.
Very Important: Please use the comment feature on each photo to tell us the name of the reporting organization.
If you do not, we will not know who submitted the photos.
Please comment on the photo using only the organization's name only.
If you received a grant in the past and want to show off those photos, please feel free to use the appropriate link to submit photos from past grants awarded by our Foundation.
We prefer organizations to upload their report photos to the Google site; if you choose not to upload photos to our Google Photos page but still want to show off your work, please e-mail at least three photos to photos@gwbaileyfoundation.org after submitting your annual report.
Please do not e-mail photos if they have been successfully uploaded to Google, and please do not both upload them and e-mail them, one or the other. Since you can see that the photos were uploaded successfully, there is no need to confirm with us that you did. Thank you for your attention to this.